What Im doing for exercise.

Sundays I take off completely.

Monday , Weds and Fri: Cardio 20- 30 minutes depending on how my knees feel that day.. After Cardio, I stretch and go straight to the mat (LINK)  for 2 sets of 25 push ups and 3 minutes of abs.  I stretch some more.  After floor work I go to the weight bench and work out shoulders, biceps, triceps and chest. First two sets are 5 lbs, 25 each, last set is 8 lbs 25 each.  Finally, I head over to my AB BLASTER (LINK).  2 sets of 25.  Stretch.  WATER WATER WATER! lots of it.

Tues, Thurs & Sat:  Same deal with Cardio. Inevitably, one day during the week, I get tired.. Skip cardio. Thats just me… Anyway, these days I do push ups and abs.. Just like Monday, Weds & Fri.  Same routine.. Then I do legs and the blessed buttocks. Gluts if you will. My routine for the derriere here. (link).  Let us not forget the ab blaster again.. I do it 6 days a week. Stretch, stretch, stretch,  water, water, water…

Now the life saver… My protein drink… Its my reward everyday.. Sweet, creamy and delicious.  (LINK)  Recipe.  3 grams of carbs. Acts like breakfast. I always workout on empty stomach.