Exercise Room Tips

OK so your room of fitness… It can be a closet if that all you have. It can be in your living room, dining room, bedroom, basement whatever! Just have a space dedicated to your body well being.  Get a mirror, goodwill, habitat, borrow one, but get one.  I invested in free weights. Amazon Link.  You can find them used or at TJ Maxx sometimes.  I have a list of all equipment (with links to purchase) I have at the bottom. Now, not everyone is in the financial position to go investing in gym equipment. So you can join the gym or go at on your own.  Squats dont require equipment, butt lifts LINK  dont need investment other than your BUTT.  A jump rope is cheap LINK. The pavement outside your door? Also free. Fill up some quart or gallon containers with water. Do push ups and sit ups. Also free. Dont need very much space to do it either. I have a solution for most ANY excuse you can come up with. Im here to help you but only if your willing to help yourself.  Whining? yep, your going to whine. The sofa is always more comfortable that the workout space.

So the workout space… Mirror? check… This is to really look at your body. Tell yourself what you like FIRST… Then tell yourself what you would like to change. Make them realistic changes. Dont over do it the first week or two.  Do you have a famous person who’s body you admire? Print out a photo. Hang it on your mirror. Hang it on your fridge. Hang it on the pantry. Hang it on your bathroom mirror.  Seriously. Next to that photo, write down your goal weight.

Before you work out (my husband laughs at this) brush your hair, wash your face, brush your teeth. Look presentable. You are going to be staring at this person you see for at least 30 minutes. You want to look decent FOR YOU. Like what you see. Everyday your going to like that person more. exercise does funny things.. It empowers you. It makes you proud of yourself. It makes you WANT to eat well.

Keep things tidy in the space. Organize your “equipment” so that you dont have to stop in the middle of your workout looking for things.  At the end of your  workout, put things back where they belong. Make your space a place where you WANT to be.

Music (LINK).. For me its a must.. TV? sometimes it breaks up the monotony.  That’s a personal choice.